Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Hansel and Gretel

The two of us live in the unfair world
For the sake of our family, we'd abandon by our parents
Since that day, my job is to protect you

Don't doubt on me!
I will certainly be your guide wherever we go

In the deep darkness,
I will put many shining stone
so it can guide you come back to me
when you lost your way

Don't be afraid!
Because there's nothing in this world
can take me from you

But why must you leave me?

I'm not smart as you
nor have a sweet smile like yours
Certainly, there's nothing that I can give you
except my faithful to you

Why must you not listening my words?

In this world,
everything is not as sweet as you think
Behind the sweet words they told you,
there's poison that ready to kill you anytime

But it's alright...
Since I love you so much
I will sacrifice anything just for you
I will be anything for you

When you can't stand up of the temptation,
I will be the one who will take your sin
When you locked up in the prison,
I will be the one who will take the punishment

Because there's nothing I can give you
that's why I'll give you my life as the exchange

So, don't be worry!
Even if you already lost all your faith to me,
I will always stand up for you
Even if you cut down my body and rip my heart apart,
I will always forgive you...
For I still love you so much

Don't cry...
I will accept everything that happen to me
as long as it can protect you

You're the half part of me
Half of my soul
Even if death do us apart,
I will stay inside you forever...

Red Riding Hood

Do you remember our first met?
You're the one who bring me to the new world...
The world that even myself can't imagine

The sweet words that you said to me,
it's as sweet as the apples you gave me,
as sweet as the poisonous kiss that you sealed in my lips

Even if I knew that the desire that reflected in your eyes,
not even a love
Even if I knew your words full of lies

Hey, do you even remember that?

I remember your big-shiny golden eyes,
it stared into my eyes deeply...

I remember your big ear,
when I whispered a little secret to you...

I remember your big-warm arms,
when you hugged me tight...

I remember your beautiful big lips,
the way you talk to me like I was the most delicious thing in the world...

Do you think I fool enough to not realize your lies?

You're the charming prince of the dark forest,
no one can resist your temptation
I'm not the only want who want to monopolize you

still, I want you only be mine...
I don't want you to be with somebody else

I will do anything for you
Even if I must strangle you to death,
even if I must make you starving to death...

You're mine...
Only mine...

I am the one you should wanted for
I am the only one who should you looking at
I am the one you should eat...

You, a big liar wolf,
for you I will eliminate all of your prey,
so you can only looking for me,
so you will only want me...

That seven young kids,
that little sheep,
who want to steal you from me,
I will haunt them to death...

I will cut them apart,
torn them into pieces...
so they will never get close with you anymore...

I even broke my promise to my grandmother,
I don't even listen the warn from the Hunts,
I throw away my own sanity...
just to be with you...

Just to be your only one...

So, hey,
please look at me...
only me...

Don't lie to me...
Because, you don't even know,
what can I do if you lie to me anymore...

Agitate Last Concerto

Many days passed with vain
Many pains passed with emptiness
Many lives passed with agony
Many loves passed with betrayal

Slowly, one by one, a sound of the world flowing inside me


Melody repeated after the sorrowful weep
Howling above the darkness sky


Agitate sound enter the blurry cloud
Creepy piano playing in the deep allegro
Begin the prelude of catastrophe


It begin to raise its voice


…and return to the deep dark scream…


The heart-beat of the victims thumping like crazy
Waiting for their time


A grasp scream and a thirsty cry, one by one,
compiling in harmony
The blue night playing cantabile
welcoming the brand new night


A sound of me begin to disappear in the air
A red drop, one by one, begin their rhythms
A sorrowful smirk appear in his face
Loneliness feels his cold blue-eyes,
reflecting a red light inside


His heart-beat singing in hazy melody
Echoing, his madness laughter in the red sky…

Da capo…

Sound of their footstep, pierce the silent night


The sounds of chains that chain him down on the trinity cross
His scream torn the loneliness apart
The shattered memories fill his mind

Forever is not eternal…
Eternal is not immortal…
Immortal is not life…
It is loneliness…

A song of life comes through his bloody throat
Strangle him more and more painful


His life was full with the fake smile of people
No one had love him the way he want
No one saw him as his self
He was born to be nothing

Mezzo piano…

His trembling body remained alone
without someone who hugged it warm

Mezzo forte…

Their laugh of victory echoing in the burning flame


His blurry eyes shut as his heavy breath vanish in the air
He has no power to cry anymore
His tears fall over his burning face…


The rhythm of his life has overflowing in the slow motion
All of his sin filling his heart
The last concerto played in the sky…
until the last notes erased all of the sound in the world


Leave the world with the silent mourn
and wait for the next rebirth of the rondo

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Hime Murasaki no Kanashimi Uta

My lost dearest...
I melt into your melody that whispers in the twilight
Our gazes are drawn together and I can feel eternity
A life quietly budding

The mist of memories fluttering in the spring breeze
Maddeningly disturbs the turning of the planet
Destroying the dream of butterflies

O My dearest knight...
The sound of footsteps grows distant,
sinking into my shivering body
I throw everything into the jet black sea of heaven
And wish for his happiness

Love's river boisterously moves me along
A voiceless voice echoes through the empty days
The rainy, moonlit nights pass

Though I'm crushed by the endless storm...

The mist of memories fluttering in the spring breeze
Though I try to lose it in the mists of time, it doesn't fade 
It reaches you alone