Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Song of Demon

You are choose your own destiny
Even if this cruel world makes your heart broken,
or tear it apart,
you must not give up your ambition

Many people give up their dreams
just for a stupid thing
A meaningless thing called compassion,
an illusion named love

The world is not kind to anyone
But, the will power is unbeatable
Even the destiny won't ever defeat it
Will not destroy it


This world is a trickster
You cannot show your weakness in front of him
If you show him a single weakness,
you'll burn into ashes

"You will never been saved"

He will throw you to the deep black hole
And once you fall in there,
there's no hope to come back
No one can save you

At that time, all things will betray you
even it is your own sense
You will lose anything
It will drive you crazy

And for the first time in your life,
you will not thinking about anything
Nothing, but one...
One option that you must do

"Hey, come with me to the hell"

The beautiful place
which full of sweetness of poison
A place where darkness will save you
with his cleverness, sweetness, and silence

All demons are the beautiful white roses with thorn. 
They are beautiful and sweet, but you must careful because they can make you bleeding...
All words will never betray you
They won't lie, they will serve you right
They will make you satisfied
Satisfy with their sweet tongue

"See? All you have to choose is DIE"

Am I Beautiful?

Am I beautiful?
Even thought I born in the hatred and the jealousy
Am I beautiful?
Although I live with blood

Am I beautiful?
Am I beautiful?
That's the question I always ask to anyone
The only question that I have

Is there anyone who can tell me the answer?
Is there any answer can make me satisfied?
To make me stop this madness
To make me release from this chain of blood


Hey, kids,
you're the honest creatures in this world
Please, tell me the answer
Don't run from me!

Why can't the people tell me?
Why they just can run?
Even, the kids, they can't be honest

Lie is the one I hate
Fear is the one I despise
Is there any feeling that clear as a candy?
Is there any heart that have fragrant like a pomade?

If there's any, then I don't have to coloring them again
Coloring them with the color that I like
The color of blood
The color of rose

Make them feel the way I feel
Make them know the meaning of fear
To show them the consequence of lie
into their beautiful mouth

So, hey, please answer me now!
Am I beautiful?

My Little Room

Hey, somebody,
do you want to play a game?
Come on play with me

With me,
a lonely little girl who trapped in her little room
A girl who just want to be your friend

Will you?
Are you dare?
Of course you will, right?

This is not a difficult game
Just like a hide and seek
Just like a quiz

Let's begin with "Red or Blue"
then you can choose where we can play
where we can start this game

Choose blue, then we can play in your place
Choose red, then you can play in my little room
I will be glad if you choose the "Red" one

Hey, let's begin the game
You can run now
You can hide now


I will looking for you
Where are you?

Here? No...
Or here? No...

Where are you?
I'm coming...


There you are...

The Way I Love You

This is the way I'm loving.

With this bloody heart, I feel you.

With a TRICK, I keep you.

With this BLOOD, I satisfy you.

With the spider web, I chain you.

I will keep you eternal in the cold coffin of my mind,

keep you Rest In Peace in the sway of requiem

and write your name in the grave of my life...

I Want To Be a Beautiful Night

I want to be a beautiful night,
that save a little light which can give a miracle

I want to be a beautiful night,
that always keep a mystery but can give a protection

I want to be a beautiful night,
that hated by anyone but always can give a happiness for anyone who love it

Cold Prison

The scarlet singing voice
Will dye your chest
Like a melody that you eternally yearn for
Yet it's quick to scatter

The darkness of the night protecting the moon
Whispers a lullaby
Until the eyes of a girl who doesn't cry
are moistened by a dream

The revenant of darkness
The prologue of requiem
Her forgotten sad story

Her tears,
her shout,
which not heard by anybody

Her sadness,
her pain,
her shame

Unbearable pain,
unbearable agony...
Overflowed in her gripping shout
Just think about how to survive

You lost your freedom,
your youth,
your dream
in the hand of them, the dirty sinner

In the middle of nightmare,
in the middle of cruelness,
in the middle of their evil laugh,
you survive in that cold prison without know your sin

Could it be there is a hatred in your heart?
Could it be there is a grudge in your mind?
I know there is
But, you forget it all just to try to survive

You pray with your low voice...
God, please release me from this agony...
set me free from them...
from this unbearable pain...
from this cruelness...

O sunlight that hidden by the hollow darkness
Now, you'd set free
Join the eternality with Him
I hope you will be rest in peace

Our pray always be your soul...
In the silence of the shining sky
There exists your own and only garden
Someday, you'll make your way
to the far side of the shore...

Can You Vow This for Me?

Look at me...
Not with your EYES,
but with your HEART

because eyes sometimes can deceive you,
but your heart will never see anything wrong

Feel me...
Not with your SKIN,
but your very BREATHE

because your skin can be lose its sense,
but your breathe will never be able to stop as long as you life

Hold me...
Not with your HAND,
but with your WARMTH

because your hand can be so cold sometimes,
but your warmth can never be cold

Talk to me...
Not with your LIPS,
but with your MIND

because your lips can tell lies,
but your mind know your very secret

Hear me...
Not with your EARS,
but with your PULSE

because your ears can hear anything wrong sometimes,
but the beat of your pulse is always has a same tone

Think about me...
Not with your BRAIN,
but with your SOUL

because your brain will stop if you dead,
but your soul will never die even if you dead

Love me...
Not with your HEART,
but with your whole LIFE

Because your heart can be cheating sometimes,
and, so you cannot be able to live without me...

Song of Mana

I heard a nostalgic song
somewhere far away
It stirred deep within my heart,
a young strength,
spoke about the song of life

I am born from You,
and I returned
embedded in a song, both kind and cruel

My life took a turn
and I am born anew...

I'm hurrying to be close to You
Again and again, I long for You
My longing is no diamond,
just a small crystal
A grain of sand in the desert
One drop in the ocean

But with pride, I come!

Seasons come and go
and I follow the same tracks
All I want is to sleep,
embraced in Your song
All I want is to wait,
curl up in a dream
I'm following my longing for You

I was riding on a wind
Your song echoing far
Thrown by waves, I'm surging towards You

My young energy,
I'm keeping Your smile so close to my heart
and I continue my journey

My time is short, and I must hurry
Thought that I was free,
free from my past
But many colored memories
blooming deep inside of me

Hear my truth and behold my dream,
my very beautiful dream
So finally, finally
I can reach You...

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

Dark Freedom

I hear my voice echoing in the sky
"Help me! Let me out!" I said
But this four walls surround me won't move
I trapped in this cold steel room

No one can hear my voice, nor can see me...
I can't hear anything, nor feeling anything
Just the darkness...

The sound of my breath is the only melody
This room without windows
No matter how loud I shout, I know there's no answer will come...

Six days in the cage of darkness, I can feel my mind change...
...into something unknown...

But, suddenly you come, bring me a light that I long to see
You give me something when I come to you,
then you leave me again inside the deep, deep darkness

Still, I'm happy can see you again
I hold tight the gift that you gave me
...with tears and smile in my face...

I feel the sharp and cold of the steel in my skin, and whispered:

" last, I can free..."

Friday the 13th

The full moon shine in the dark sky
The white light covering the street outside the window
Tonight I'm lonely without your voice
But still, I can feel the pleasure inside me

A red drop fall to the ground below me know I always dream about this day
When I coloring my body with your blood,
when I taste every part of your body
And, oh, how I love your gloomy eyes when you look at me!

I still can see your love even if you can't feel anything...anymore...

I want to chop off your head and hug it in my sleep
Dreaming about our memories;
the beautiful and sweet memories

The beat of your heart and its warmth still remain in my hand
Even when I swallow it up, it still alive inside me

Tonight,you're not here anymore,
but the warm of your body will always remain forever...
...Yes, inside of me...