Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Am I Beautiful?

Am I beautiful?
Even thought I born in the hatred and the jealousy
Am I beautiful?
Although I live with blood

Am I beautiful?
Am I beautiful?
That's the question I always ask to anyone
The only question that I have

Is there anyone who can tell me the answer?
Is there any answer can make me satisfied?
To make me stop this madness
To make me release from this chain of blood


Hey, kids,
you're the honest creatures in this world
Please, tell me the answer
Don't run from me!

Why can't the people tell me?
Why they just can run?
Even, the kids, they can't be honest

Lie is the one I hate
Fear is the one I despise
Is there any feeling that clear as a candy?
Is there any heart that have fragrant like a pomade?

If there's any, then I don't have to coloring them again
Coloring them with the color that I like
The color of blood
The color of rose

Make them feel the way I feel
Make them know the meaning of fear
To show them the consequence of lie
into their beautiful mouth

So, hey, please answer me now!
Am I beautiful?

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