Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Song of Demon

You are choose your own destiny
Even if this cruel world makes your heart broken,
or tear it apart,
you must not give up your ambition

Many people give up their dreams
just for a stupid thing
A meaningless thing called compassion,
an illusion named love

The world is not kind to anyone
But, the will power is unbeatable
Even the destiny won't ever defeat it
Will not destroy it


This world is a trickster
You cannot show your weakness in front of him
If you show him a single weakness,
you'll burn into ashes

"You will never been saved"

He will throw you to the deep black hole
And once you fall in there,
there's no hope to come back
No one can save you

At that time, all things will betray you
even it is your own sense
You will lose anything
It will drive you crazy

And for the first time in your life,
you will not thinking about anything
Nothing, but one...
One option that you must do

"Hey, come with me to the hell"

The beautiful place
which full of sweetness of poison
A place where darkness will save you
with his cleverness, sweetness, and silence

All demons are the beautiful white roses with thorn. 
They are beautiful and sweet, but you must careful because they can make you bleeding...
All words will never betray you
They won't lie, they will serve you right
They will make you satisfied
Satisfy with their sweet tongue

"See? All you have to choose is DIE"

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