Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Cold Prison

The scarlet singing voice
Will dye your chest
Like a melody that you eternally yearn for
Yet it's quick to scatter

The darkness of the night protecting the moon
Whispers a lullaby
Until the eyes of a girl who doesn't cry
are moistened by a dream

The revenant of darkness
The prologue of requiem
Her forgotten sad story

Her tears,
her shout,
which not heard by anybody

Her sadness,
her pain,
her shame

Unbearable pain,
unbearable agony...
Overflowed in her gripping shout
Just think about how to survive

You lost your freedom,
your youth,
your dream
in the hand of them, the dirty sinner

In the middle of nightmare,
in the middle of cruelness,
in the middle of their evil laugh,
you survive in that cold prison without know your sin

Could it be there is a hatred in your heart?
Could it be there is a grudge in your mind?
I know there is
But, you forget it all just to try to survive

You pray with your low voice...
God, please release me from this agony...
set me free from them...
from this unbearable pain...
from this cruelness...

O sunlight that hidden by the hollow darkness
Now, you'd set free
Join the eternality with Him
I hope you will be rest in peace

Our pray always be your soul...
In the silence of the shining sky
There exists your own and only garden
Someday, you'll make your way
to the far side of the shore...

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