Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Moonlight Rain of Autumn

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Can You Vow This for Me?

Look at me...
Not with your EYES,
but with your HEART

because eyes sometimes can deceive you,
but your heart will never see anything wrong

Feel me...
Not with your SKIN,
but your very BREATHE

because your skin can be lose its sense,
but your breathe will never be able to stop as long as you life

Hold me...
Not with your HAND,
but with your WARMTH

because your hand can be so cold sometimes,
but your warmth can never be cold

Talk to me...
Not with your LIPS,
but with your MIND

because your lips can tell lies,
but your mind know your very secret

Hear me...
Not with your EARS,
but with your PULSE

because your ears can hear anything wrong sometimes,
but the beat of your pulse is always has a same tone

Think about me...
Not with your BRAIN,
but with your SOUL

because your brain will stop if you dead,
but your soul will never die even if you dead

Love me...
Not with your HEART,
but with your whole LIFE

Because your heart can be cheating sometimes,
and, so you cannot be able to live without me...

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